The first and only self-development program that gives you the peace of mind to show for all the effort you put into your business, family, and life.
This course can show you how to empower yourself with yesterday's knowledge and today's thought leaders' wisdom.
Become a person who makes their dreams come true faster than they ever thought possible – even if you’re starting from nothing.
Dear Friend,
Government, military, and world leaders have relied on thought leader training since Sun Tzu and Machiavelli's days. They knew that if they wanted to change cultures and create a winning mindset, they needed mastery not only in military skills and strategy...
...but also in mind coaching.
What about those who can't afford years of personal study with top minds? This is where Thought Leader Academy steps in. It's our mission to provide you unparalleled access to life-changing content.
What does this journey entail?
To help pave the path to success, you need to define your goals and focus on what’s most important.
For this pivotal work to remain at the forefront of your mind, we must create a plan with more than just measurable metrics. Our Thought Leader Academy program reveals little-known, high-level communication, sales, and marketing tactics so you can thrive in the Information Age.
You'll learn about how best to present your message when you're writing... or online... or speaking one-on-one with potential clients... as well as what systems are needed for efficient workflow and flawless execution in business... and life.
You’ll be amazed at how much progress you’ll have just from the first module once we show you how.
Your first-ever Thought Leader Academy module will take you through a series of questions on how to create the life and business you never thought possible. They're so powerful, all you'll have to do is literally listen JUST ONCE, and you'll immediately experience the power of this program.
When you play the first audio in Thought Leader Academy (even in the background) - these profound questions inside the first 2 modules unlock a portal to your mind that's always been there and just waiting to be discovered without relying on NLP or other sorcery for fast results.
When you’ve completed these modules, not only will there be nothing but sky ahead for yourself… but also your friends, family, and those who follow in your steps to new heights.
Truth be told, every human being has an innate ability to unleash their genius.
The world is flooded with art, innovation, and knowledge that's accumulated over time - and you have access to this from the moment you walk down the street or get on the internet.
The problem isn't invention; it's marketing your work.
We exist to help you discover your new superpower, unleash it, handle it...
...and communicate effectively to get what you want with it.Â
We call this the power of thought leadership. Our training dramatically shifts personal and professional lives by making access to the best human potential a reality for all people willing to invest. Thought Leader Academy is the world's first online academy that explicitly teaches you how to become a thought leader from a high-level.
It's designed for entrepreneurs, business owners, marketing professionals, experts, coaches, consultants, and influencers looking to grow their influence and make more money by leveraging their expertise.
You'll learn how to create transformational content that people love, build an audience of loyal followers, speak at conferences around the world, and sell your products or services with ease.
We're here for you every step of the way.
A Proven And Repeatable Process.
Thought Leader Academy is an online course that empowers you to be a true leader and thinker. Mastery is not about who has the most knowledge (or even which skills one possesses); it’s taking your natural abilities to their apex with the right thought frameworks.
Our online course teaches how to self-evaluate to identify what you are naturally gifted at and want to do more often than anything else, then connects you with resources while you're monetizing your strengths.Â
Then, once you ignite your superpower, you’ve got to learn how to handle it. We focus on your “optics.” Learning how to master your thought, emotions, and energy is the difference between reaching success or not.
Throughout my 20-plus year career, I’ve developed a proven and imminently replicable approach to live vibrant and fulfilling lives. Certain vital steps will take you from where you lie now (whether unsatisfied, resigned, or simply weaker than your true potential) to a future that is limitless with possibilities.
Thought Leader Academy is a movement.
Since 1996, thousands of businesses, managers, coaches, and executives across industries and boundaries have experienced Thought Leader Academy’s rigorous intellectual development program; you can too.Â
This training isn’t just about “managing expectations," but instead learning how to have the courage of our convictions through these 3 main pillars: ethos, pathos, and logos.
Interestingly, I first discovered this method over 20 years ago while going through secret-level military schools. Working with high-performing warriors who were already “fit for duty” physically, yet wanted to elevate their mental performance past elite levels, but who felt an invisible force holding them back.
And I succeeded in harnessing and unleashing these elements to work with business owners and their staff so they could be accepted for speaking their truths without judgment, without loss of acceptance, relationship, or community, and expressing their thoughts in a way that others can hear.
Along with illuminating them with this high-level knowledge, I infused resilience, guts, and determination in empathizing with the human condition to profit through trust, transparency, and vulnerability...
...for them to finally be their real selves.
But I had doubts about releasing this kind of information to the public, let alone people in an industry known for being shark-like and full of lies and deception.
I felt that my discovery, which requires complete and total adherence to being truthful, trustworthy, and transparent, didn’t apply to mainly commission-only sales professionals or owners I thought would lie, cheat, and steal to get money.
The kind of honest “mindset” I thought only the elite military members I worked with could forge.
But I was wrong.
Breakthrough after breakthrough came in from exactly the type of people I had honestly given up hope on, but I wanted to help in an industry I love.
From using this approach at the smallest “mom and pop” business, all the way up to me working with enterprise-level, multinational companies, I learned that nearly anyone could apply Thought Leader Academy program to turn whatever “bad luck” they may be having at the time into the driving force that propels them to the next level in life that very few are able to achieve.
Yes, there’s only one thing wrong with feeling hopeless, and that’s truly believing that you’re stuck where you are in life right now.
Achieving Your Dreams Is Simpler Than You Think
This course is for ambitious people who want to take their game up a notch. It's a collection of high-level thought frameworks revealed to me by some of the most successful and financially prosperous thought leaders in the world, with decades of tough business experience and mentoring under their belts...yet never before offered these secrets are being revealed here for you.
And because I’m telling you about it, that means each one of them I've personally worked with knows this is A PROGRAM SEPARATE FROM EVERY OTHER THEY WOULD PARTICIPATE IN OR COACH YOU THROUGH.
This IS NOT like any other academy class where your "coach."
From the moment you begin the course, you will see that everything we show you requires asking the right questions in the correct order and putting the right pieces in the right places.
Achieving your dreams, then, doesn’t take luck. It’s a skill. And skills can be learned.
You Need A New Approach To Winning
Thought Leader Academy is your live entry into the life of a world-class thought leader and addressing our most profound concerns about success. We guide you through the true secrets that will allow you to find greater peace in your pursuits--financial, personal, professional- in every aspect of your existence, regardless of whether you’re 22 or 72.
You’ll learn how to actually use life as more than just an athletic contest with an arbitrary clock counting down…and how not get caught up on what others think of you before taking actions that are essential to your success and your legacy.
Every module, every inch of the coursework focuses on just one thing: getting you and your dreams and vision across the finish line.
Only we give you the play-by-play moves, in the right order, because we’ve talked the talk and walked the walk on some of the highest playing fields known to man.
Of course, you won’t have to go through things like Marine Corps boot camp, secret military schools, or work in high-level environments to learn this.
We want you to have the confidence and ability in knowing that whatever situation you’re in, be it business, personal, social, intellectual, spiritual, etc. you’ll have the skills needed to get the best read on the situation so you can correctly estimate a favorable outcome for yourself, your family… your business.
Insanely Low Investment
I’ve designed the course to make it affordable to everyone who wants a better quality of life. It’s designed to serve you to the highest level versus taking a $10,000 course with little to no substance in it.
You can expect that I've spent hours coming up with content for this course that spells out how anyone, regardless if they are wealthy or not -can change their entire trajectory without spending nearly a lifetime doing so.
After all, in this day and age, self-actualization can seem like an impossible dream.
Highly sought after by the affluent everywhere, perfecting oneself can be a complicated process to achieve. It’s nearly impossible when there are so many obstacles stopping you every way you turn - material gain, family commitments, and that pesky old business you're building (or that nine-to-five), to name a few.
And with life being more than just about ourselves, most of us have forgotten what improvements we could make our lives if we had the time.
Yet is it possible for us all? Well, think again!
Some of the benefits of enrolling in Thought Leader Academy Include:
âś… Create a global thought leadership platform to share your wisdom and expertise...
âś… Learn from the vetted and best thought leaders in the industry...
âś… Gain insight into how to best market yourself and your offers as a thought leader...
✅ Expand your social professional network with other business and community leaders...
âś… Increase your productivity...
âś… Get a vacation from the daily grind of business without having to worry about it like you normally would...
âś… Learn how to accomplish more in less time and have more freedom...
âś… Acquire special skills that will give you an edge over your competition...
âś… Grow an audience of qualified leads with high integrity...
✅ Build a lifestyle beyond paying bills through speaking, writing, and coaching...
âś… Learn from other vetted Thought Leader Academy experts and moderators on how to become successful in your field...
âś… And much more.
Does this sound like what you need?
Me And My Team Will Support You On Your Journey
I am here to support you and make sure that you get results with Thought Leader Academy.
To start, when you sign up for the course, there is access to our exclusive group, where we will be giving guidance and tips on how to get the most out of your investment.
Once enrolled in this program, if you feel like help understanding how it all works, then reach out in private messages or message me as I’m always around and want to assist every step of the way.
Simply put...we got your back. ; )
This type of concierge service is here for you at no additional cost when you enroll in Thought Leader Academy.
Our Core Beliefs
WHAT WE ARE – We are an independent group of free-thinkers who want to build a community of heart-based, transparent and honest online entrepreneurs.
WHAT WE ARE NOT – We are not self-proclaimed gurus who pretend like we have it all figured out.
OUR MISSION - We believe in uplifting the human condition and making the able… more able.
You're smarter than your circumstances. You have it all within reach. The power is yours: Break free from the limitations of what used to define you and become a master thought leader in business...
...and in life.